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Pauline Nadrigny

Co-founder of Enceladus Press, Philosopher and composer Pauline Nadrigny specializes in environmental aesthetics, sound art, and metaphysics. As an Associate Professor of Aesthetics at Pantheon-Sorbonne University, she wrote an extensive number of books and papers in both French and English on art and realism, electroacoustic music, noise, field recording, sound ecology, and ecocriticsm. Her work as a composer combines ambient, noise, folk, and electroacoustic music. She published two EPs and gave numerous live performances. Throughout the years, she developed close connections with many significant figures in today's musical scene.
As Ep's editor, she is in charge of projects in general philosophy, sound arts and environmental aesthetics.
Pauline can be reached at:


Wilfried Laforge

Co-founder and CEO of Enceladus Press, Wilfried Laforge is an art theorist. He received his PhD in aesthetics at Panthéon-Sorbonne University and currently teaches art history and aesthetics at School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York. His work as a critical theory expert focuses on contemporary art history and the relationship between art and philosophy since the 1950s. He organized two major international conferences and edited two books that address this topic. Following a visiting fellowship at Columbia University, he made long-term connections in the art world and continues to collaborate with American aesthetics scholars. His theoretical work pairs with his career as an art consultant.
As EP's editor, he is in charge of artists' writing and interviews, art history, architecture and new media.
